3 Reasons To Choose Vinyl Wrap Over Repainting

24 March 2022
 Categories: , Blog

Whether you're looking to upgrade your ride or cover up some scratches, dings, and imperfections, there's nothing quite like changing its whole look. In the past, repainting was the only real option for full-body vehicle makeovers. However, high-quality vinyl wraps have been available from numerous manufacturers for many years, and they're an excellent alternative to new paint.

However, is a vinyl wrap the right choice for you? The answer to that question will be different for everyone, but here are three reasons why you may want to consider wrapping your car instead of repainting it.

1. Lower Cost

If you're rolling in cash, then the price may not be an issue for you. For everyone else, the cost is usually one of the determining factors in any automotive upgrade. Vinyl tends to be cheaper on a labor basis but more expensive for materials. On the other hand, paint is usually relatively inexpensive to purchase but requires far more time and effort (and thus money) to apply.

For a do-it-yourselfer, both options may be a bit of a wash, depending on how highly you value your time. However, professional installations for wrap are usually less expensive, so vinyl may be the cheaper option if you want a professionally-installed finish. You can expect higher-quality shops to charge more, but the same will be true for painting.

2. More Options

You have plenty of options for painting a car, but the costs for unique paint jobs will rapidly add up. With vinyl, you have almost limitless possibilities for customization, and the prices usually aren't much higher. Many companies can also provide custom vinyl wraps with graphics, logos, or other designs, allowing you to truly personalize your vehicle.

Vinyl also offers some unique customization options compared to paint, such as underlays, holographs, chrome, and more. Achieving these same results with paint is typically only possible if you have the money to spend for a professional, high-end paint job.

3. Easier Reversal and Improved Resale Value

Repainting a car can often have a questionable impact on its resale value, but vinyl wraps are reversible. While you may find that the vinyl increases your car's resale value, you can remove it if you'd prefer to sell the vehicle in its original factory condition. As an added benefit, the vinyl protects your factory paint job, ensuring that your car will look just as good as it did before installing the wrap.

Any aesthetic decision ultimately comes down to personal choice, but vinyl wraps offer numerous benefits over traditional painting. If you're looking for an effective way to personalize and upgrade your vehicle, vinyl vehicle wraps may be the way to go.
